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Auto Accidents

It starts with the routine trip to the store. All of a sudden you notice a screeching of car tires and also the harsh sound of metal

clashing with metal. In a split-second, before you brace yourself, you feel your car moving from some invisible force! And this can cause your muscles, ligaments and bones in your spines to contract and cause injuries that if left untreated can become increasingly more painful and harder to correct. Don’t be misinformed by the minimal damage to your car. People respond much differently than

the glass, plastic, and metal that your car is made of!

Hidden Damage

It’s easy to undermine the effects of the collision on your body because your car has sustained little or no damage. Research shows that occupants can be injured considerably more than what you’d expect from a dented fender or a broken taillight.

Pinched Nerve

It's called a pinched nerve because that is what it feels like. However, there is a lot more taking place!

Similar to an open window, nerve openings along your spine need to be clear and unobstructed.

The twenty-four moving bones of your spine protect your spinal cord while permitting normal twisting and bending. Pairs of nerve roots, one on each side, branch off your spinal-cord at each segmented level to help the organs and tissues of the body. While these openings are obstructed, even a little, your brain can't properly control and regulate your body.

When a vertebral bone is actually not in the right position, it can interrupt these very important nerve openings.And when a nerve becomes irritated we call that a spinal subluxation.

Two Types

When spinal bones lose their normal motion or position, it can cause one of two forms of nerve disruptions:

Compressed lesion - This is just a nice name for a irritated nerve. To the surprise of many, it’s in fact quite rare.

More prevalent is a…

Facilitative lesion – This happens when the nerve root is stretched out, twisted or chafed. Think: hard tissue rubbing on the

softer tissue. But don't forget, bones are inactive structures. They do not move unless muscles push them. And muscles do

not push bones unless commanded by the nervous-system. An aggravated nerve makes a nasty loop. Our job requires you

to discover these areas of the spine and reduce their impact on your own nervous system.

Neck Pain

Imagine balancing a 12 lb. (5.5 kg.) bowling ball on the tips of your fingers.

Your neck is one of the most nerve-rich areas of your spine. Complications here can cause complications throughout your body.

Every hour of the day. That is just one of many things your neck does. Your neck and shoulders make an effort. Even the littlest deviation into the relationships of the seven bones of the cervical spine (neck) may cause pain and reduced head and neck mobility.

Minor and Major

Typically, we come across two forms of neck pain cases. Minor neck and also shoulder pain which entail feelings of discomfort, stiffness or discomfort. If these symptoms last for over a day or so, occur frequently or were preceded by accident or some kind of wound, we believe it to be major.

Back Ache

Drugs can suppress the painful symptoms but overlook the cause.

The pain of any kind is a signal that something is amiss. Many people suppress their symptoms with a pain killer and ignore the message. But that's like removing the battery to calm a smoke detector!

Two Common Causes

           The nerve rich aspect joints regarding the back side of each vertebral bone are a usual reason for back discomfort. The pain                    sensation could be a sign these interlocking fingers aren't moving appropriately. The discs between vertebral bones may be                    included, too. Trauma can cause the pulpy, soft material in the center to bulge and apply pressure on nearby nerves.


You’re waiting at a traffic light. The noise of screeching car tires is accompanied by the harsh sound of steel striking metal.

Your car is all of a sudden being moved forward!

You are being rear ended!

In a second, your body is actually pressed against your seat. The head, isolated by the neck, delays the reaction. Next, your human anatomy modifiies directions, moving ahead to your limitations of the chair belt. After that, the brain is actually snapped backward!

You can't brace for it.

A minor car accident can create a whiplash injury. It would likely take a few days or two, or often months for symptoms to appear.

Now what? Come to our practice for an assessment!

Particular chiropractic adjustments can help restore appropriate position and motion of a persons spinal bones that result in correct healing. The longer you wait the greater amount of unseen harm there is as well as the longer it appears to take to recuperate.

The Best Medical Solution

A visit to the emergency room will only give you a quick evaluation and clean bill because you don’t have any broken bones.

You might get a prescription to reduce the muscle spasms caused by structural changes in your neck or lower back. You might receive a prescription for medication to reduce the muscle tissue spasms as a result of shifting in your neck or spine.

After what you’ve been through, you’ll need a health professional that truly understands smooth tissue injuries, spinal biomechanics and rehabilitation strategies. Call our practice.

We Can Help

Whether it's only a little incident in the parking lot, or two cars crashing at an intersection, you require individuals who know how to make the best use of insurance companies and attorneys.

If you’ve already been in a car or truck crash, you can call us. We have been through this so many times. We generally give drug-free care; we can help you put all this behind you once and for all.

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